Markdown Support in Site Configuration

Unlike generic pages, posts, and other content types, this theme uses Site Configuration to define the home landing page, menu, header, and footer.

By default, any content set in Site Configuration assumes HTML markup.

Markdown Support in Site Configuration

You may optionally enable Markdown support on the description attributes of any section that has a description.

Configure Markdown Site Wide

  useMarkdown = true

    title = 'Spectral supports plain text'
    description = '''
Subtitle supports [Markdown](#)

Configure Markdown for a particular section

    title = 'Spectral supports <a href="#">HTML</a>'
    description = 'Subtitle supports <a href="#">HTML</a>'

    useMarkdown = true
    sectionLayout = 'wide'
    colorStyle = 'style1'
    title = 'Arcu aliquet vel lobortis ata nisl<br />eget augue amet aliquet nisl cep donec'
    description = '''
Aliquam ut ex ut augue consectetur interdum. _Donec amet imperdiet eleifend fringilla tincidunt._ Nullam dui leo Aenean mi ligula, rhoncus ullamcorper.

New Paragraph
